What is my information used for?

The people who provide your care will use your records to:

Confirm who you are when we contact you or when you contact us

  • Make decisions about your ongoing care and treatment
  • Make sure your care is safe and effective
  • Check the quality of your care
  • Enable us to contact next of kin as directed by you

We may also use your data, but you will not be personally identifiable, for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To improve and develop our staff as part of our training programme [you will be given the option to choose whether to be involved or not]
  • To help us manage and plan our services, and to constantly be able to review and improve
  • To help us accurately investigate any concerns or complaints
  • As part of a research project, to enable us to continually strive to offer the best possible care [your consent will be required first and you remain anonymous]

All staff and volunteers are legally obligated to keep patient information strictly confidential. Our Caldicott Guardian is responsible for ensuring that patients’ rights to confidentiality are respected. Read more here.

Sharing of sensitive personal information is strictly controlled by law (Data Protection Act 1998). Generally your information will only be used by those providing your care and any other external healthcare providers who are involved in your care.

We will only share information with others involved in your care who have a genuine need for it and with your consent. When we pass on information we ensure transfer of information is secure and maintains confidentiality.

On initial assessment in the community or on admission, we will seek your permission on who you do or do not want to share your care and treatment information with. We will respect your wishes and consult you before information is shared. You have a right to change your mind at any time .

If you are unable to consent or communicate a decision about your care records due to a physical or mental condition, and in the absence of a ‘lasting power of attorney’ or court appointed deputy, the lead clinician will make a decision taking into account your best interests, previously expressed wishes and family or carer views.

There may be times when we are required by law to share your information without your consent. For example a crime is involved, an infectious disease risk exists or a formal legal or court order is involved.

You have the right to access any information we hold about you (Data Protection Act 1998). Limited rights of access to medical records of a deceased person are provided under the Access to Health Records Act 1990.

You can request access informally during a consultation or you can make a formal Subject Access Request.
You or your legal representative have the right to apply or you can call or write to us to request to see your records or to obtain copies of your records. We will send you the required request documents to complete including proof of ID.

We aim to respond to your request within 21 working days from receipt of the completed documents. You may be charged a nominal fee (not exceeding £50) for record copies.

To make an application please write to:

Director of Nursing
Woking Hospice

Goldsworth Park Centre

Woking, Surrey
GU21 3LG

Or call: 01483 881750

If you sign up to receive our fundraising newsletters, for an event or you would like to make a donation to us, your permission will always be confirmed first. Any records related to your wishes to support us will be kept separate from your medical and clinical records, and we will always ensure we respect your preferences on how and when we contact you. Again this information will be kept strictly confidential and we adhere to the Data Protection Act 1989.

You always have a choice, but we will not be able to offer you our care and services if we do not have full and comprehensive information about you. Your safety and appropriate care and treatment means we must maintain an accurate record of relevant information about you.

However, if you have any concerns about providing information or how we share it with other healthcare providers, please discuss this with our staff so that you fully understand the potential impact on your care or treatment

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